Fireside this Saturday: Comparing methods of scientific & spiritual search for truth

Dear friends,

The next fireside will be this Saturday, 16th March, 5:30 pm pot-luck dinner + 7 pm talk (at Nita’s home instead of Nabil’s), with a discussion on the topic, “Comparing methods of scientific and spiritual search for truth.” We will compare the methods of spiritual search with those of scientific search and explore how the goal/outcome of spiritual search includes the point of indicating “inspired civilization” (not salvation as commonly thought).
All are welcome.

Fireside this Saturday with pot-luck dinner: Conceptualizing Oneness

Dear friends,

The next fireside will be this Saturday, 9th March, 5:30 pm pot-luck dinner + 7 pm talk, with a discussion on the topic, “Conceptualizing oneness.” The oneness of mankind is the primary teaching of the Bahá’í Faith and we will examine the implications of this teaching in our lives and our society.

All are welcome.


Fireside this Saturday with pot-luck dinner: Religion, A Cause of Unity or Disunity?

Dear friends,

The fireside series at my home continues this Saturday, 2 March, 5:30 pm pot-luck dinner + 7 pm talk, with a discussion on the topic, “Religion, A Cause of Unity or Disunity?” We will examine how religion has been a cause of disunity, but at the same time a powerful source of unity contributing to the progress of humanity and civilization.

The 2nd of March is the first day of the fast and I’ve decided to host the firesides on Saturdays during the fast in order to be able to host a pot-luck dinner before hand for those friends who would like to break the fast together as well for seekers who wish to join us. Sunset will be at 5:41 pm. Please let me know if you plan to join for dinner and what you can contribute. I’ll be hosting a following fireside on Saturday, 9th March with the one after that on Saturday, 16 March, at someone else’s home, but details to be confirmed.

All are welcome!

With love,

Fireside series: The Question of God

Dear friends,

The fireside series at my home continues this Friday, 8 pm, with a discussion on the topic, “Is the question of God a matter of Truth?” The essence of the question is whether faith is based on blind belief or truth discovered from rational investigation. We will discuss questions surrounding the nature of God and whether it is possible to know Him and find truth in the claims of His Messengers.

All are welcome!

With love,

Fireside series: Lives of the Messengers

Dear friends,

The discussion evenings series at my home continues this Friday, 8 pm, with a discussion on the shared characteristics of the lives of all the Messengers of God, from Abraham onwards as well as Krishna and Buddha, exploring the causes of the opposition they faced, the spiritual ascendency which they gained over people, and their unity in the source of their revelation and mission. Specific details will also be mentioned with regard to the lives of the twin Messengers of the Bahá’í Faith, the Báb and Bahá’u’lláh, and Bahá’u’lláh’s Son, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá.

“Inasmuch as these Birds of the celestial Throne [i.e. the Messengers of God] are all sent down from the heaven of the Will of God, and as they all arise to proclaim His irresistible Faith, they, therefore, are regarded as one soul and the same person. For they all drink from the one Cup of the love of God, and all partake of the fruit of the same Tree of Oneness.” -Baha’u’llah

All are welcome!

Best wishes,


Fireside series: Intro to the Baha’i Faith

Dear friends,

I will be hosting regular fortnightly, i.e. every two weeks, discussion evenings at my place on Fridays, 8 pm, followed by refreshments. These are open to all and are meant to provide a regular space to learn more about the teachings and principles of the Baha’i Faith and how they relate to current issues in the world. The format will be a short presentation on a topic followed by open discussion. The first one will be this Friday on a general introduction to the Faith.  Here is a list of future fireside topics which is subject to change. Let me know if you’d like to propose a topic or have a particular question(s).

Best wishes,
