Festival of Ideas talks 2016

From Conflict to Compassion: The Transformation of Human Society

Movement from a world of turmoil and conflict to one of compassion and justice necessitates transformation of both society and individuals. Editor and publisher Dr May Hofman discusses how we might achieve this.

May Hofman is director of George Ronald Publishing, having worked previously for the United Nations in the Bureau of Publications of the International Labour Office. She was a founding member of the Oxford University Bahá’í Society in the 1960s, where she gained an undergraduate degree in music and a doctorate in musicology.

Jointly organised by the Cambridge University Bahá’í Society and Sidney Inspirations Society, Sidney Sussex College

The Movement of Populations: Challenging Our Assumptions

The movement of populations presents an opportunity to revisit our assumptions about human nature and the operation of society. Rachel Bayani challenges our actions and reactions to this phenomenon.

Rachel Bayani is Representative to the European Union of the Bahá’í International Community. Rachel has served as a justice and home affairs counselor to the Permanent Representation of Luxembourg to the EU, dealing mainly with asylum and migration issues, and has worked in Bosnia-Herzegovina both with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and with the peacekeeping mission. She has a law degree from the University of Sorbonne in Paris and an LLM in international law from Cambridge University.

Organised by the Cambridge University Bahá’í Society

Summary of Festival of Ideas events this year

Below is a summary of the Festival of Ideas events organised by the Cambridge University Bahá’í Society this year. Please click the links for more information.

  1. The gathering sound: Weaving a tapestry of sacred text, invocations, and poetry from the world’s spiritual traditions, this musical odyssey celebrates humanity’s inter-connectedness.
  2. Young people: What is our identity? How can we discover our true potential, inner capacities, and unique talents and use them to create the kind of world we really want?
  3. From the selfish me to the selfless selfInsights from science and mysticism on the paradox of identity.
  4. Nahal Mavaddat and Jacqueline Lam-McArthur read poems by Bahá’í women imprisoned in Iran because of their beliefs and how the poetry speaks of their resilience in the face of hardship.
  5. Faiths for climate action: multi-faith walkJoin a movement of people from all different faiths in Cambridge, to take a walk celebrating unity between religious identities in the face of climate change challenges.

Festival of Ideas: Faiths for Action multi-faith walk

Faiths for climate action: multi-faith walk

Join a movement of people from all different faiths in Cambridge, to take a walk celebrating unity between religious identities in the face of climate change challenges. A move towards low-carbon lifestyles to reduce human impact on climate change raises deep questions about the nature of truly fulfilling lives and design of flourishing societies. To reduce carbon emissions at the level that is required to impact climate change, radical rethinking of our personal, social and economic actions is needed, much of which can be informed by spiritual and faith identities.

6:00pm – 7:30pm, Friday 24 October
Beside Riverside Bridge, next to the Museum of Technology, Riverside Road, Cambridge CB5 8JB

No need to book (just turn up). More information is available here.

Women of the World: Poems by Bahá’í Women

Nahal Mavaddat and Jacqueline Lam-McArthur read poems by Bahá’í women imprisoned in Iran because of their beliefs and how the poetry speaks of their resilience in the face of hardship.

12 noon – 1pm, Sunday 26 October
Cambridge Junction (Foyer area), Clifton Way, Cambridge CB1 7GX

This is the only event organised by the Bahá’í Society that requires payment but gives you access to other Women of the World (WoW) Festival events. Tickets can be purchased here.

Festival of Ideas: From the Selfish Me to the Selfless Self

From the selfish me to the selfless self: Insights from science and mysticism on the paradox of identity.

A talk by Ismael Velasco.

3pm – 4pm, Sunday 2 November
Latimer Room, Clare College. Trinity Lane, Cambridge CB2 1TL
Organised by the Cambridge University Bahá’í Society as part of the Multifaith Series.  Free and open to all. Tickets can be booked here.


Festival of Ideas: Young people: What is our identity?

Young people: What is our identity? How can we discover our true potential, inner capacities, and unique talents and use them to create the kind of world we really want?

Talk and lively discussion with members of the Bahá’í Society, alongside Ismael Velasco.

3pm – 4pm, Saturday 1 November
Little Hall Lecture Theatre, Sidgwick Site

Organised by the Cambridge University Bahá’í Society as part of the Multifaith Series.  Free and open to all. Tickets can be booked here.


Festival of Ideas: The Gathering Sound

The gathering sound: Weaving a tapestry of sacred text, invocations, and poetry from the world’s spiritual traditions, this musical odyssey celebrates humanity’s inter-connectedness.

A concert with Richard Leigh and friends.

3pm  – 4pm, Saturday 25 October
Michaelhouse Centre, Trinity Lane, Cambridge CB2 1SU

Organised by the Cambridge University Bahá’í Society as part of the Multifaith Series.  Free and open to all. Tickets can be booked here.


Fresher’s Week events & Michaelmas Termcard

Welcome to a new year with the Cambridge University Bahá’í Society!  We would like to extend a warm welcome to new and returning students!  We are very pleased to be able to offer a wide range of events this term, including discussion evenings every other Friday, a monthly interfaith devotional/meditation called Soul Food, several fascinating talks by Bahá’í scholars and professionals, and community celebrations.  All of our events are free and open to the public.  See our Michaelmas 2013 Term Card below:


Please note that our first event is a discussion evening tomorrow night at Nabil’s house, which is very close to the train station (email Nabil for directions).  This will continue every other Friday evening throughout the term.  Join our mailing list to receive reminders and updates about the topics we will be discussing.

We also have a Club Squash on Thursday, 17th October at 7:30pm at Clowns Cafe (54 King Street, CB1 1LN).  This will be a fun opportunity to meet other members of the Bahá’í Society in a casual environment and learn more about the events we are holding this term.

Two of the talks listed on the term card are part of the Multi-Faith series for the Cambridge Festival of Ideas.  These are “Frontiers in a Changing World” and “Reflections on the Life of the Spirit.”

We look forward to meeting you!

Download the Michaelmas 2013 term card (PDF).

Festival of Ideas: The Final Frontier

Lotus temple

The Final Frontier – Reflections on the Life of the Spirit

Death is the most elusive frontier, yet conceptions of what lies beyond shape our intentions and day to day actions. This talk explores insights from the Bahá’í Writings on the nature of human reality.

A talk by May Hofman. Organised by the Cambridge University Bahá’í Society as part of the Multi-Faith series for the Festival of Ideas.


3pm – 4pm Sunday 3 November 2013
Latimer Room, Clare College
Trinity Lane, Cambridge, CB2 1TL

Free and open to all.  Book tickets online in advance.