Festival of Ideas: Frontiers in a Changing World

Frontiers in a changing world: Global challenges, inner transformations

Frontiers are what divide us, but also what connect us. They are the meeting point of self and other, of experience and imagination, actuality and potential. Frontiers can fence off life from its becoming, hearts from encounter, prejudices from insight, minds from curiosity. But they can also mark the junctures at which progress is possible. They are the starting points of exploration, gateways to discovery, signals to reconciliation, beginnings of transcendence, the exact places where ignorance and isolation end and contact begins.

What are the planet’s most critical frontiers today? How are they shifting? What frontiers will each of us choose to establish or break as we face the meeting and the clash, the birth and death of frontiers across the world?

A talk by Ismael Velasco. Organised by the Cambridge University Bahá’í Society as part of the Multi-Faith series for the Festival of Ideas.

Festival of Ideas

3pm – 4pm, Saturday 2 November 2013
Latimer Room, Clare College
Trinity Lane, Cambridge, CB2 1TL

Free and open to all.  Book tickets online in advance.

Festival of Ideas: Soul Food October 2013 “Frontiers”

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Soul Food
Readings from the world’s religions, from poets and thinkers—ancient, modern, and indigenous—with musical interludes. A time to reflect and expand the frontiers of mind and spirit.

We are also pleased to welcome guest musician Rosanna Lea, who will be performing at this event.

Organised by the Cambridge University Bahá’í Society as part of the Multi-Faith series for the Festival of Ideas. Free and open to all.


4pm – 5pm, Saturday 26 October 2013
Latimer Room, Clare College
Trinity Lane Cambridge CB2 1TL

Soul Food is part of a monthly series.  View upcoming Soul Food events and download past programs here.

Festival of Ideas: Visions of Dreams & Dreams of Visionaries

The theme for this year’s Festival of Ideas is “Dreams and Nightmares.”  There will be a couple events offered by the Cambridge University Baha’i Society at the festival.

Visions of Dreams and Dreams of Visionaries

Saturday, November 3, 3-4:30pm.

Latimer Room, Clare College, Trinity Lane.


Whether they are symbolic, prophetic or waking dreams, dreaming has shaped civilisations. In a disenchanted world, can we still believe that dreams really do come true?  Part of the Multi-Faith Series.

Festival of Ideas: The Power of Prayer & Meditation

The theme for this year’s Festival of Ideas is “Dreams and Nightmares.”  There will be a couple events offered by the Cambridge University Baha’i Society at the festival.

The Power of Prayer and Meditation

Friday, October 26, 8-10pm.

Latimer Room, Clare College, Trinity Lane.

An evening of short talks, discussion and some prayer and meditation to present perspectives from Buddhism, Christianity and the Bahá’í Faith. Part of the Multi-Faith Series.